youth climate activism

The court orders dismissal of a youth-led climate lawsuit against the US government

A federal appeals court has instructed the district court to dismiss a climate change lawsuit filed by youth plaintiffs against the U.S. government, denying them the chance to amend their case.

Alex Guillén reports for Politico.

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From around the web
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way

Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way

This 2-part series was co-produced by Environmental Health News and the journalism non-profit Economic Hardship Reporting Project. See part 1 here.Este ensayo también está disponible en español
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Senator Whitehouse & climate change

Senator Whitehouse puts climate change on budget committee’s agenda

For more than a decade, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse gave daily warnings about the mounting threat of climate change. Now he has a powerful new perch.
genetic response climate adaptations

New studies reveal genetic adaptations in California birds

Two studies reveal how genetic changes in bird populations in California respond to environmental threats, highlighting the potential for adaptation and the risks of genetic dilution.

Rebecca Heisman reports for The Revelator.

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EPA introduces new rules for legacy coal ash pond cleanup

EPA introduces new rules for legacy coal ash pond cleanup

New regulations released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency aim to tackle the cleanup of legacy coal ash ponds, requiring stringent measures to prevent groundwater contamination.

Gautama Mehta reports for Grist.

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Big Oil climate disinformation

Big oil spent decades sowing doubt about fossil fuel dangers, experts testify

Experts and lawmakers, during a Senate hearing, revealed a strategic shift by the fossil fuel industry from outright climate denial to more sophisticated disinformation campaigns aimed at protecting profits while undermining climate policy.

Dharna Noor reports for The Guardian.

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land use sustainable agriculture

New ideas shed light on addressing climate issues

Environmental scientist Hannah Ritchie discusses how technological advances could lead to a more sustainable future in the face of climate challenges.

Ezra Klein reports for The New York Times.

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reusable non-plastic food packaging

Revolutionizing reusable packaging will require collaborative solution

A new report emphasizes the need for standardized reusable packaging systems to combat plastic waste and encourages unified efforts to achieve global adoption.

Joseph Winters reports for Grist.

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US ocean protection plan includes commercial fishing areas, sparking debate

US ocean protection plan includes commercial fishing areas, sparking debate

New information reveals the Biden administration’s ocean conservation strategy considers areas with commercial fishing as protected, causing concern among scientists.

Catrin Einhorn reports for The New York Times

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Far-right groups in Germany target climate policies

Far-right groups in Germany target climate policies

Amid concerns over the cost of climate initiatives, far-right political elements in Germany, including the Alternative for Germany (AfD), have intensified their attacks on green policies, attributing societal discontent to the economic implications of these environmental measures.

Ajit Niranjan reports for The Guardian.

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Florida may soon omit 'climate change' from state laws

Florida may soon omit 'climate change' from state laws

Florida is poised to remove references to climate change in state laws, focusing instead on energy affordability and security, a shift led by Governor Ron DeSantis.

Brendan Farrington reports for The Associated Press.

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Ocean heat waves bring catastrophic die-offs and distress marine researchers

Ocean heat waves bring catastrophic die-offs and distress marine researchers

As heat waves span across vast oceanic regions, they cause massive die-offs of marine species and emotional distress among scientists.

Bob Berwyn reports for Inside Climate News.

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Inter-American court reviews corporate roles in climate change crises

Inter-American court reviews corporate roles in climate change crises

A pivotal hearing at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights examines whether businesses can be held legally accountable for climate change impacts on human rights.

Isabella Kaminski reports for DeSmog.

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